
Official registration for courses is required at the beginning of each semester. A student cannot be admitted to class without formal registration. Students will have an opportunity to pre-register at the end of each semester.

Late Registration

Students may enroll no later than Thursday of the third week of the semester. Two weeks are allowed for make-up work, except in the case of severe illness or other acceptable extenuating circumstances. Late fees will be assessed after the second week of the semester.

Dropping Courses

Final date for dropping courses in the spring semester is the third week of March. Fall semester final drop date is the third week in October.

Transient Students

A transient student may take courses for personal enrichment. If a transient student later desires a degree, the student must make formal application for admission. Credits earned while in the status of transient student will be evaluated to determine applicability to the degree sought.


Cheating is defined as giving or receiving aid not approved by the instructor. If a student is found guilty of cheating in his/her academic work, he/she will be penalized for the first offense by the immediate submission of a semester grade of “F” to the Office of the Registrar. The penalty for the second offense shall be suspension from the College.

Summer School

Summer School is held on the main campus only. For more information contact the Office of the Registrar.